
Table nejsou rock'n'roll

Table jsou dva mladý kluci, Dominik Gajarský a Roman Štětina, oba v současný době studující na pražské AVU.
Kluci nejsou ani omylem moc cool a už vůbec nejsou rock'n'roll - čili obecně nesplňujou základní požadavky na to, aby o nich Vice psal. Jenže! Jenže vydali tohle jaro desku "We are not longer the same" a ta zní mnohem líp než většina současný český produkce, ba dokonce nezní ani moc jako česká nahrávka (a věřte, že to je kompliment). Takže jsme si řekli - mrdat na rock'n'roll - a rozhodli jsme se vyzpovídat  tuhle electro-synth-post-punkovou dvojku, jejíž nahrávka většinu redakce českýho Vice upřímně baví.


Vincent Moon / An Interview

 Vincent Moon was born Mathieu Saura in Paris in 1979. At the age of 18, while studying the theory of film and photography, he decided to absorb as many influences as possible, even at the price of absolute oversaturation. In photography, he was most inspired by Michael Ackerman and Antoine D’Agata. Some years later, his discovery of the work of Peter Tscherkassy led him to film.
In 2006, influenced by the film Step Across the Border – a documentary about English guitarist Fred Frith – he and his friend Chryde decided to create the music- and film-themed podcast The Take Away Shows, a series of short music documentaries about musicians improvising in unusual places. Thanks to the speed of the Internet, this podcast became a worldwide sensation within a few weeks. Over a number of years, he managed to shoot about three hundred music videos, short films and documentaries. REM, Beirut, Grizzly, Caribou, Wicleff Jean and Sigur Rós are some of the protagonists of Moon’s films.